Sustainability Policy
We take our green procedures & responsibilities extremely seriously – and these have been subject to much focus over the last year. We initiated a ‘think green’ team day, where staff were invited to contribute ideas to ensure we became more sustainable and to reduce our carbon footprint.
Having team involvement and buy-in right from the start, has ensured we have made big improvements, including:
We have produced and written a new Green Office Policy.
We purchase only recycled paper, gift bags and wrapping materials to use in the office.
We purchase organic / environmentally friendly cleaning materials.
We have reduced waste from the office by 70%, and anything remaining is sorted and recycled responsibly.
We have installed improved heating system, which uses lower electricity.
We have invested in an improved lighting system on a timer to reduce supply, and waste.
We encourage all staff to bring in re-usable water bottles and flasks, instead of using single-use cups and take-outs.
We actively email or text visitors information, where we can, rather than print out pages from the internet or download brochures.
We purchase stock of art, souvenirs and Eton memorabilia from small, local, independent suppliers, supporting the local economy AND reducing transport costs and emissions.
We have designed and launched a new suite of walking tours, thus reducing the need for bus trips and taxi tours.
We re-use materials and recycle window displays, ensuring that with an innovative approach we can continually produce fresh, informative and pleasing window displays, with minimum use of plastics and unnecessary waste.
We have worked with and encourage involvement from the local primary schools, to showcase their art and crafts, helping the children to appreciate the use of pre-loved materials into attractive art.
We encourage all our staff, where possible, to walk to work – saving fuel and emissions.